With "friends" like these...!
19 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
On a fishing trip, a businessman is nearly murdered by one of his 3 partners, but winds up with amnesia instead. When he turns up unannounced 4 years later... it hits the fan. WHO tried to kill him-- and, was his wife (who the others all had a thing for) or his social secretary (who resents his company ruining her father) involved?

To me, anything with Michael Carrerras & Terrence Fisher is worth a watch. William Sylvester (who physically reminds me of a guy who spent 3 whole years trying to have me fired from a job) is the lead. Apart from "2001" (where nobody exhibited any humanity), he was quite memorable in one of the very best Roger Moore "SAINT" episodes, "Interlude In Venice". Paulette Goddard (who I found so adorable in "THE GHOST BREAKERS") is the wife. Alvys Maben is the social secretary with the most obvious motive. She's a dead ringer for my aunt, and considering when she was born, she could have been her under a stage name (an idea that seems more intriguing than the film itself--HEH!). Both Goddard & Maben turned up on the Ronald Howard "SHERLOCK HOLMES" series, Goddard in 1, Maben in 3 episodes. I was shocked to read Maben passed away at age 41. Nobody seems to know much about her.

I agree with others who said Russell Napier as the Inspector was the most interesting character. There's a moment of humor to break the tension when his assistant suggests a maniken is "modest", the kind of thing Hammer would regularly include in many of their films. Nice photography, and a mystery that held my attention and kept me guessing. Funny thing-- the one scene where someone tries to blackmail someone else, the would-be blackmailer's dialogue made me think, "George Sanders should have played that part." It reminded me, if only for a moment, of his role in "REBECCA".
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