Try "WAR", now with a new and scientifically improved formula !
19 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Having grown tired of waging costly and wasteful wars, nations have decided to organize international peace games instead. Teams of young soldiers from a variety of countries uphold the honor of ideological blocs by flattening each other in "games" reminiscent of the gladiatorial spectacles so beloved by ancient Rome. Cold-eyed generals oversee the proceedings, while punishing any attempt at backsliding...

"Gladiatorerna" is an interesting anti-war movie, situated somewhere between satire and science fiction. Here, warfare (large or small, open or disguised) is an operation which benefits only a tiny elite of rich and powerful men. The poor deluded fools who do the actual fighting are just cannon fodder, fungible and expendable ad infinitum. Within the logic of such a system the ultimate heretic is the rare soldier who shakes off the weight of his indoctrination and recognizes the enemy as a fellow human being ; hence the draconic punishments for crimes such as fraternization or desertion. For what would happen to civilization if people of various nations, creeds and colors grew to LIKE each other ?

The movie also condemns the use of real-life violence for entertainment purposes, which demeans both the sufferers and the spectators.

So "Gladiatorerna" certainly has a clear viewpoint, which it expresses with a lot of emphasis and conviction. But sadly the movie is not without its flaws. For instance, the characterization tends to be shallow and one-note. Since the viewer doesn't get to know the various characters as fully-rounded personalities, he doesn't mind too much if some of them, or indeed all of them, get blown up or beaten to a pulp. (For an anti-war project this is somewhat ironic.) Moreover, the passage of time has robbed many of the elements of their red-hot topicality. Subjects like the French student revolts or the hippie "Make love not war" counterculture throbbed and hummed with relevance in the late 1960's, but nowadays...
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