Enjoyable but not definitive
17 February 2022
Certain decades are explored regarding the evolution of the movie palace in general, but there are several decades completely omitted. Most notably, the '30s and '40s when they thrived. I think this documentary would have been elevated if it not only focused on the genesis and decline of the movie palace but also on its heyday.

Other than that, I found it an interesting watch; and of course, seeing the amazing architecture in both original and decaying forms is a real testament to the magnificence of the movie palace as a whole, as an experience and not just a place. Although I enjoyed the interviews, it would have been nice to have heard from more than just a handful; but that's nitpicking.

I was left feeling terribly sad not just because of the unfortunate decline of the movie palace, but because it's a depressing reminder that we are more and more becoming a society of autonomous and anonymous individuals rather than a collective of our own race. Recommended for those who love movies and the nostalgia surrounding them.
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