Uncharted (2022)
Treasure hunting flick for the TikTok generation.
17 February 2022
Tom Holland does his earnest best as reluctant treasure hunter Nathan Drake, while Mark Wharlberg phones it in again as his older scheming partner, Victor 'Sully' Sullivan. But neither of them can rescue a script that shaves off every nuance and detail that made the games script & acting so well regarded.

In true treasure hunting movie style, the action zips around the world at breakneck speed, as the leads get into fights, steal and break priceless artifacts, while constantly quipping and double crossing one another.

The two female leads, Sophia Ali & Tati Gabrielle bring something new & occasionally interesting to their roles (well Sophia does, it's more about the look for Tati), but it's not enough to push it much past 'meh' territory.

Overall Uncharted is a very average treasure hunting action movie, disguised by its hyper kinetic pace. You'll likely have an ok time while watching, but ultimately it'll leave you feeling a bit hollow, hoping to God that the film makers can do better for the inevitable sequel.
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