St. Elsewhere (1982–1988)
A groundbreaking tv medical series that influenced my life
16 February 2022
I graduated from pharmacy school in the spring of 1982 and had a good friend who I knew from school who had gone to medical school. He encouraged me to attend medical school. So, I applied and started attending classes in the fall of 1983.

Therefore, this shows run from of October of 1982 until May of.1988 spanned my time in medical school and my first year of residency. I found it to be insightful and a good companion during my medical training. It was always a thought-provoking show with a stellar cast that was well written. Beyond that, it was in my opinion the most realist medical show ever on TV. Having rewatched the series recently during the pandemic when in was on IMDb TV, I must say that nearly 40 years later it still holds up very well.

I would highly recommend it!
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