Ironside: A Man Named Arno (1972)
Season 5, Episode 24
Disgustingly sexist episode - only watch to see Anne Francis I guess
16 February 2022
I know it was the 70's, I know it was a different time, but even back then there was no excuse for the blatant sexism in this episode because it simply doesn't fit the characters. It's not the actors fault, although Raymond Burr had the power to change the script. It's literally a theme of the whole show!

First, the Fran character has a guy help her subdue an attacker and then bizarrely doesn't tell her employers the next morning when there's just no reason not to tell them! Then she starts crying, and when she leaves Mark tells Ed, "Women!" Ironside simply tells her to go build a sandcastle. What?

Then it gets worse. Ed needs an assistant since Fran is gone and Mark gets really creepy and tags along just so he can make sexist comments to the policewoman who helps Ed. And, in probably a first for Ironside, the camera makes sure to focus on the women's legs!

Of course this is jarring in 2022, but it's also out of place with the whole series after five seasons we have come to know Ed and Mark as decent guys and not wolves.

The episode was written by a woman, Helen McAvity. Would love to ask her why she wrote this stuff.

Anne Francis is in the episode, she of "Forbidden Planet," Alfred Hitchcock Presents, and the Twilight Zone.
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