The Twilight Zone: Dream Lover (2002)
Season 1, Episode 4
Fair to middling.
12 February 2022
Andrew is a graphic novelist who is having a heck of a time finishing his latest book. Out of no where, a dream-like lover appears...and she's his new muse. It seems that he can see her and interact with her (and make LOTS of nookie with her) but others don't know she exists...and he knows this to be the case. However, in an odd twist, after a while his muse goes from adoring him to getting very tired of him...and she runs away! I can understand, as he does seem like a bit of a jerk. So what's next?

So is this any good? Well, I guessed the twist well before it was revealed. And, I also should point out that in the original "Twilight Zone" series, there was a much, much, much better episode involving an author who could create real people using his imagination. "A World of His Own" is so much better...with a better twist, a great sense of humor and better acting (Amber Tamblyn is pretty flat as this muse).
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