Criticism for different reasons..
10 February 2022
Notice the people that died and what their conditions were BEFORE they died. Deadly preexisting conditions.

The key to all of this. Mechanical ventilators. Very few survived and many didn't need to be on them. Which is the reason why many doctors started speaking out against them in April/May 2020. Some nurses went even further and accused hospitals of malpractice.

They ALL had severe deadly preexisting conditions, like diabetes, but ultimately Covid was listed as the cause of death.

You heard them in the beginning how there was no coherent pattern to any of this.

I don't understand the underlying racial component that was injected into this. It was totally unnecessary. When the doctor said "my people had to suffer."

It was a VERY revealing documentary, but not for the reasons most people would think. To me it confirmed what I have suspected all along, but if I say it, this review will be deleted.

I agree with some others that they only focussed on two people, instead of the overall events, which would have been more helpful to get some more actual data about how many people were put on ventilators, what were their symptoms, their preexisting conditions etc.

It was essentially an emotional appeal to the viewer serving as a reenforcement tool for the narrative that has been promoted by the media and government. Just showing a bunch of dying and/or dead people really isn't that informative, but rather used to scare the viewer.

In the end, I really have no idea what the point of this documentary was. Nor did I understand why George Floyd's death and the protests had anything to do with Covid despite them trying to make a connection. I felt it was way too manipulative and the Hans Zimmer Interstellar copycat music didn't help. They showed people dying which is obviously always sad, but the overall point was what? It wasn't provocative or very enlightening as a film because as I stated above not much actual useful information was provided.

Watch it and make up your own mind about what really happened. Interesting, but for VERY different reasons other people think.
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