Thermonuclear pyrotechnics
9 February 2022
It might seem really hard to believe, but the nuclear weapons possessed by Russia, America, and some other countries nowadays are powerful enough to make the ones dropped on japan look like firecrackers. A hydrogen bomb has an explosive yield so massive that anything within a three mile radius of its detonation is disintegrated, and shockwaves will destroy countless other things in every direction for even further. In the 1950s, american society and most people living in it had one thing on their mind: Soviet nuclear attack. In order to help the public prepare for what could really turn out to be the end of the world, this film was produced so americans could sleep knowing that procedures were in place to put safety as the highest priority. The film uses a town in Pennsylvania as a potential target for a soviet ICBM strike. It explains how people such as firemen, cops, and even regular civilians can all do their part in making sure america is ready for such an unthinkable catastrophe. They also go over different types of fires (for some reason) and how extinguishing methods that work on one might not work on another. Other than the various tasks people will have in a post nuclear holocaust society stated by the narrator, there isn't that much to say about this film. All I can write is that you will no doubt be glad you didn't live back then after you watch it, since atomic war at the time was a real possibility. America and the USSR were always looking for ways to destroy each other, but it proved impossible for both countries as each one was too large, well armed, and defended. If the soviets nuked the US, they might as well be nuking themselves. This is another example of the just plain odd things TCM likes to show sometimes.
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