Shadow of Toxic Feminism
8 February 2022
This looked like a really cool Sci Fi movie with an interesting twist, all set in the claustrophobic confines of a classic WW2 bomber. I mean, who doesn't love those iconic gun turrets? Instead, turns out this is a piece of social propaganda masquerading as entertainment.

Here's the quick synopsis. The entire premise of the movie is to highlight female empowerment while shoving over the top male chauvinism down people's throats. Some airplanes go pew pew, that's good fun. There's also a mystery box and a gremlin.

I have nothing against female empowerment, unless it's at the expense of other genders or groups. In this case, the director uses a constant barrage of disgusting verbal abuse towards a woman along with general male incompetence. If you have to use misandry to get your point across, then there's something fundamentally wrong with how you are going about it.

Having said all that, there are also some truly ridiculous plot moments. Both the story logic and physics are cartoonish at times. That's not necessarily a bad thing, as it's clearly in honor of cheesy 80s action movies. Chloë does a good job with what she's given, as do all the other actors. With a different director and script, this could have been a solid movie.
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