Star Trek: The Next Generation: In Theory (1991)
Season 4, Episode 25
A Senior Trekker writes.............
4 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Season 4 contains the 80th episode of The Next Generation, at which point it surpassed the output of the Original Series. A number of extended themes played out during this season delving into both the political backdrop and the personal lives of the crew. These continuing storylines proved extremely popular, however they did not detract from the use of Science Fiction to tell interesting stories. Senior Trekker continues to score every episode with a 5.

There is a lot of humour in this story of Data's attempts to have a proper relationship with a human woman but ultimately I find it extremely sad. Even more so upon re-watching. Fine performances, particularly that of Canadian actress, Michelle Scarabelli, underline the terrible cost of investing one's feelings in a person (or in this case a machine) that cannot return those affections.

By the way, where was the counsellor when this particular human crew member was so obviously in need of support? The character of Jenna De'Sora also came across as a competent, professional officer so it was a shame that no opportunity came up for her to reappear at a happier stage in her off-duty life.

We also have to mention how the B plot of this episode was decidedly weak: a weird nebula that moved matter around like an out-of-control transporter, resulting in the horrific death of a poor, unregarded yellowshirt. Somebody turned a page and it was all forgotten. I didn't exactly expect to see bits of her flesh being removed from the bulkhead* but Georgina Shore as Lt Van Mayter at least deserved a mention in the credits.

(*thank you for that image, Discovery)
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