A little hit and miss but it's not from lack of commitment
3 February 2022
It's wild to me that we got another 'Jackass' movie. I had no hope of getting another one after 3, however when the money runs out, the money runs out. I was always going to be interested to see just how far these guys were capable of pushing themselves. It turns out pretty far.

The movie has prolific nudity like we have never seen before from this series. There's always been full nudity here and there but they really ramped it up a notch this time around.

There are a number of new faces, including a female in the group this time around. Sadly not many of these newbies added much to the product. The had the odd moment here and there but mostly they weren't given a lot to do and just found themselves just standing around commenting on other's stunts.

The clips are pretty hit and miss. There are some classics in the mix, but there are also some that probably shouldn't have made the final cut as well. The opening and closing sequences were surprisingly dull and unmemorable I'm sad to say.

When it's good 'Jackass Forever' will have the entire cinema in stitches though, and while it couldn't come close to the consistent magic that 'Jackass Number Two' managed all those years back, it is still a very good time. If this is the last we ever see of this group then they can hang their heads up high. 8/10.
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