I finally got to see it
2 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have heard about it for years and wondering why it has never been on T. V. Zeus a on line service for classic films on DVD had it. The description stated that it had not been seen on T. V since the 70's .The print was not broadcast quality. It wasn't bad .It look like a bit worn 35mm or 16mm. It does need remastering. Was it good ? It wasn't that bad .It was changed for the film. It was an Alan Jones vehicle so it had to be centered around him. For example the song,"Falling in love with love, was originally sang by Adrianna,in the theatrical version to express her frustration of Anitpholus ,her husband neglecting her. In the film version Alan Jones sing the song to Rosemary lane to express his lover for her. The hays code possibly was the reason why the Courtesan and the bordello was eliminated. What replaced it in the film version was a bar with gambling instead. Comedian of r.k.o films Joe Penner portrayed Dromio of Ephesus and Syracuse with fair humor. What I also like about this film is the song ,"This Can't be love,sang by Rosemary Lane, in a cheerful way Doris Day sang it when it was adapted in the film version of jumbo. Other parts of the story was change from the play. It was vague the reason why Ephesus did not want any one from Syracuse to be in their city and why the cities officials wanted to execute a stranger for being in their city. In the film version there is an excuse. Ephesus had just destroyed Syracuse in a war. The captured ,played by,Samuel s. Hinds, was going to be executed. Alan Lane and his slave played by Joe Penner is in Syracuse to rescue his father. Confusion happen when Antipholus and Dromio of Syracuse are confused by the same in Ephesus by the neglected wife played by Jack Jones mother in real life and wife of Alan in real life. She cannot sing. This is, possibly, why they had to change the character who would sing the song. Now this may not be Martha Ray's best film,but, She plays the slave. Luce, with jazzy humor. Both Joe, when playing,of Ephesus , and Ray are excellent at the song number,"He and She. Alan Mowbray and Eric Blore are funny as the tailors who are trying to get the Syracuse version of Anitipholus to pay his tailor bill cause Charles Butterworth is threatening to excuse them if they don't pay their tax. I found out that it was nominated for an academy award. In spite of the prints state you can say it was fair. It does need remastering. It's worth watching 02/2/22.
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