Alfred Hitchcock Presents: The Long Shot (1955)
Season 1, Episode 9
Give it a shot
2 February 2022
Despite finding a huge amount to like about 'Alfred Hitchcock Presents' as a series and really liking to loving five of the previous eight episodes, expectations were not massive for "The Long Shot". The story is very familiar ground and Peter Lawford generally is not a huge favourite of mine. Also didn't care very much for Robert Stevenson's previous episode "Don't Come Back Alive", but did think that he could do another Don Medford in having a lesser episode of the season as his first episode and redeem himself with his second.

Luckily that is the case with Stevenson with "The Long Shot". The improvement is so vast that a check to see whether it was the same person who directed both episodes was needed. It is not flawless and to me there are better episodes of Season 1 and of the series, "Breakdown" immediately coming to mind. "The Long Shot" though is very good and has enough of what makes me like 'Alfred Hitchcock Presents' a good deal. Anything that manages to get a great performance out of Lawford already goes up in my estimations.

As said, Lawford is not a favourite of mine (not sure about that being a popular opinion) but it has always been dependent on the role and he did have some weak ones in his earlier years. He has a strong role here and gives a performance that is very committed, pretty subtle but never to the point of boredom and he excels at being shifty. Have always liked John Williams and felt he never gets enough credit and he does smug and distinguished very well. The supporting cast are solid.

"The Long Shot" is another well made episode, with some suitably moody photography and it is not claustrophobic or overblown looking. Stevenson is a lot more in control of the material here and directs with precision and a good eye for atmosphere for much of the time. It's hauntingly scored and the theme tune is for me one of the best uses of pre-existing classical music in television and not a conventional one. On the most part, it's scripted tightly and thoughtfully and the story compels and has a nice suspenseful atmosphere. The twist is well executed and clever, if not earth shattering perhaps.

Where "The Long Shot" is at its weakest is the over-talky and occasionally pedestrian mid-section.

Did feel too that there were moments going towards the end where suspension of disbelief is needed.

In conclusion, very well done. 8/10.
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