Baketopia (2021)
Entertaining, but not really worthwhile
1 February 2022
This show is fine to watch every once in a while, and as someone who grew up watching Ro on YouTube I wanted to really like it, but the judges fail to provide any sort of critique to the contestants when me and my friends who watched this show together could think of several. They always use the same few critiques on every single episode. In fact, during one of the episodes, one of the contestants made a really messy looking cake with too much buttercream, that I did not think would compare to the other contestant's cakes, yet they ended up winning, making me feel as if their decisions are almost randomised rather than based off of the judges actual decisions. Wasn't really feeling some of the contestant's energy as well, they made it hard to watch at times. The judges do, however, have a fun energy which makes up for that, but I also wish the theme song wasn't so irritating. As much as I like Ro, I think that if she's not the type to critique other people's baking creations that this isn't the right type of show for her to be hosting.
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