Great movie for any current Ape
31 January 2022
Here's the thing: If you're currently an ape (I write this in January 2022) you aren't going to see this movie and be like "aw man the squeeze is over already I should sell now." You already know we're all still holding and this was just the first mini-squeeze that woulda been way bigger had not Robinhood done their shady tactics of deleting the buy button.

Any random person who sees this movie and thinks the story is over aren't holding shares anyways, so it doesn't matter. Anyone who is invested in GME or AMC knows the game is still on and we aren't selling.

So with that said, as a current GME/AMC shareholder I really enjoyed this movie. I had not known any of these people in the movie other than DFV of course so it was cool to see some of the backstory of some of the OG GME Apes. Definitely worth the watch in my opinion. :)
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