The Alfred Hitchcock Hour: The Star Juror (1963)
Season 1, Episode 24
Much better than other reviewers think.
30 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm slightly surprised at the less than positive reviews of this particular episode. While the plot isn't exactly original, it rattles along quite agreeably and Dean Jagger is brilliant in the leading role. The setting is - yet again - that of a small town but that's better than a big city.

I like the way the plot shows Jagger struggling with his own conscience, given the crime he commits and that an innocent suspect is on trial... After the said innocent suspect is exonerated, the local townsfolk resort to bigotry and prejudice by making the man's a misery. Dean Jagger is equally vilified, for wanting to do the right thing - if only to avoid being caught!

The ending is quite ridiculous but that's the idea. Jagger makes a full confession of the murder and of allowing an innocent man to be charged. Unfortunately, the rather dumb sheriff dismisses all of this, on the grounds that Jagger's character wouldn't harm a flea!

I recommend this episode.
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