Batman: Arkham Origins (2013 Video Game)
Good enough
29 January 2022
The expectation after the Arkham City was high and tragically Origins didn't live up to the hype. Coming from the previous game I was bombarded with this cold, almost colorless map. Enemies and overall mechanics seem to be unchanged, there simply wasn't anything revolutionary. If there was anything new, it was the number of bugs.

The main plot is easily forgettable and could be labeled as an unimportant cliche standalone story. Side quests don't have the same quality as the previous title had, I couldn't think of one worth remembering.

While being a weak game for Arkham standards, the game is still good enough for a casual player experiencing a Batman game for the first time. The addictive combat gameplay holds up and puzzles, yet being copy-pasted from the previous titles, are still fun to solve.
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