Stan Against Evil (2016–2018)
Not Great
28 January 2022
I saw the plot for this and it was exactly the type of show I usually love. However, I found this to be very disappointing.

The production value in Season 1 is really bad. By Season 2 and 3 it does improve but that still doesn't help the very mediocre writing and acting.

I pushed through all of the series hoping it would get better but it went from bad to "OK" and I actually couldn't wait to be finished. It sort of reminded me of the kind of writing I saw in Corner Gas, but not even that good (I was never a fan of that show). The quality reminded me of what I would see at a local theatre group but not great for television imho.

I'm glad to see others enjoyed this but for me it will be mostly forgettable. It had potential but never came close to meeting that for me.
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