The Last Inn (2021)
Hands down, it was simply atrocious...
27 January 2022
Well, given the storyline, acting and dialogue that took place in this 2021 horror movie, then no wonder this is the last inn. Let's just say that you are not in for a good old time when you sit down to watch this horror movie from writers Bill Jones and Catherine Lewis. In fact, you are in for 1 hour and 37 minutes of toe-curling narrative with acting performances as wooden as ventriloquist dummies, and dialogue to match.

But I am getting ahead of myself here. Let's stop and take a look at the storyline in "The Last Inn", or what was supposed to pass as the storyline. The events that took place in the movie was so generic and pointless, not to mention predictable, that there virtually was no effort put into it. You could watch the first 15 minutes of the movie and the last 15 minutes and still get the same outcome as if watched the entire ordeal. And an ordeal it was, trust me.

Then there was the acting, or what passed as acting here. This was just simply beyond my comprehension. Not even middle school theater shows have acting performances as wooden and rigid as what you see in "The Last Inn", nor delivery of dialogue so devoid of emotion or tone that you think it was a voice box.

"The Last Inn" is labeled as a horror movie. Yeah, well don't go about believing that you will be in for a classic tale of proper horror. I did that mistake, so learn from my suffering and don't go there. The only thing horror here was the total absence of proper story and acting.

Visually then "The Last Inn" was so-so. I mean, there wasn't exactly an abundance of special effects, and whatever special effects or CGI there was in the movie was mediocre at best, but at least it served its purpose.

Trust me when I say that you should stay well clear of director David Kuan's 2021 movie "The Last Inn". It just simply isn't worth the effort, money or time.

My rating of "The Last Inn" lands on a generous two out of ten stars, based on the fact that they seriously put in an effort here, and also because of semi-adequate production value.
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