Average documentary, uneven with little satisfaction
27 January 2022
Overall I thought the documentary was well constructed but felt like there were wild swings with little follow-up in regards to the history and/or benefit/drawback in emoji use. While interesting a somewhat entertaining, after watching I ended up with a 'so what' attitude. And while I don't expect documentaries to 'change my life' I often find that when I watch one and it was good, no matter the underlying themes and measures, I would recommend it to another to watch as being of possible interest or entertainment to them. This one I do not. It was well constructed, filmed, but had no real 'you gotta see this one' feel to it. If you have an hour plus to kill, watch it. If you need something to ease you into a restful night sleep, watch it. If you want to find out about the history and management of emojis, Google it.
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