Missing (and/or) To Much Ingredient(s)?
27 January 2022
On rare occasions, our daughter (and/or) her mother, will make, either her famous 'No Bake Cookies' (mom) or 'specialty brownies' (daughter), and the very moment that, any of our 2k-5k taste buds, actually reach either of these referenced treat's 'flavor nucleus', the wiring from our mouth's, complex-nervous-system, accesses the brain's 911 dispatch & instantaneously, confirms that, something in Denmark, isn't 'as ripe as it should be':

Not enough or to much - butter, salt, vanilla extract or egg(s), etc., but irrespective, what the exact problematic ingredient might be, it is often, in a mere instant that, we collectively realize that, something, has been Inadvertently changed (from either chef's original recipe).

Subsequently, 'Cheers for Miss Bishop', seemed to have all the right ingredients necessary, to not only make a genuinely exceptional film, but it also {seemingly} contained, the rarest of ingredients that, often can take an exceptional movie, and morph it, into a potential contender, as a true historical-classic.

And, considering the great film-classics, from the same era, such as: 'Stagecoach' (John Wayne), 'War of Wildcats' (also staring Martha Scott, opposite John Wayne) or, 'Grapes of Wrath' (w Henry Fonda) - Cheers for Miss Bishop's half-century plus (old) release date ('41), just cant be, the scapegoated-ingredient (either).

In the meantime, take heart that, this is a much-better-than-average movie, for the time period; however, its overall trajectory, seems quiet predictable, and merely borderline inspiring.

[Conversely, for those that can appreciate this type movie's genre & theme, especially the intrinsic value of students, after having been exposed, to any truly, exceptional teacher, viewers may want to consider the (classic) film: 'Good Morning Miss Dove' ('55)! ]
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