Review of Clues

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Clues (1991)
Season 4, Episode 14
A Senior Trekker writes.....................
26 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Season 4 contains the 80th episode of The Next Generation, at which point it surpassed the output of the Original Series. A number of extended themes played out during this season delving into both the political backdrop and the personal lives of the crew. These continuing storylines proved extremely popular, however they did not detract from the use of Science Fiction to tell interesting stories. Senior Trekker continues to score every episode with a 5.

When reviewing a list of Fourth Season episodes, I found myself completely unable to call this one to mind. It must have made such a poor impression on me that I avoided ever watching it again; which is strange since it seems to have proved pretty popular with many people over the years.

Basically, Data starts acting strangely and weird anomalies begin to suggest that a period of time has elapsed during which all the organic members of the crew have been rendered unconscious. Deanna starts having dreams and everyone works to unravel the mystery which turns out to have been caused by an isolationist race intent on erasing all memories of contact by the Enterprise.

It's a "bottle" show with no new sets and lots of dialogue. The aliens are depicted by a special effects green cloud and the use of a voice-altering gizmo for the possessed Counsellor Troi. The fact that it uses a classic Science Fiction trope and genuinely suspenseful writing suggests that it has considerable merits over and above being a money-saving exercise.

Thankfully most Trekkers of the "Golden Age" are a tolerant lot and can accept that others may have a completely different point of view. I don't have to pretend to like this one and no-one has to pretend to agree with me.
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