Semen Demon (2005)
Semen Demon
23 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Hentai Family New Wife Nasty Attack is a great movie title but Semen Demon? That's the kind of title that gets me watching whatever this is.

Reiko Yamaguchi, who was the star of the Wife Next Door films, has just gotten married and it seems like everyone in her new family is so possessed that they're acting like Sonny and Patricia in Amityville II: The Possession.

What does it say about me when I do a week of Japanese movies and I could have featured Kurosawa, Imamura or Mizoguchi and instead, I'm writing about Semen Demon?

This movie does have something to say about the futility of war and how Japan's soldier spirit faltered in the face of nuclear fire, but cursed its children to labor under archaic notions of sexual morals and now, even a simple home is cursed by a demon who demands that every man in the home becomes obsessed to the point of horrifying debauchery. Or maybe it's just a Japanese AV movie that has a ghost couple doing it - proving the Donald Trump-starring movie Ghosts Can't Do It incorrect - and has a woman who misses just how pent-up her husband and father-in-law once the problem is solved.

What's wrong with me?
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