Unbound Evil (2022)
A new art of the 'found footage' genre
21 January 2022
When I watched this, I did know what this was about, as opposed to the people who may have gone with little knowledge into this. I think it works out pretty neatly. You can call this an adventure if you want to.

But aside from the fact that it is, there are one specific things that I find very impressive about the film. The main aspect of course is that it's shot with a hand-held camera and contains a cast of unknowns (apart of Costas Mandylor, who delivers a small but nice presentation here.) so as to create very realistic sense.

This is THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT (1999) meets CLOVERFIELD (2008)!

I recommend this to anyone who feels they would enjoy it. Keep working, Dream Team Pictures, I'm definitely behind you. 8/10.
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