The Ray Bradbury Theater: Mars Is Heaven (1990)
Season 4, Episode 1
"It's a place where we get a second chance."
21 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A team of astronauts led by Captain Black (Hal Linden) lands on Mars, but to their astonishment, it's like they never left home. Each member of Black's party connects with people and surroundings from their past, including relatives who had long since passed away. Following an event filled day with family and friends, Black begins to consider what may be going on, and his suspicions run to some sort of ruse the 'Martians' must be participating in to imitate people from his past. His instincts were correct, but the episode ended so abruptly that it leaves an unsatisfying feeling for the viewer. A better story with a similar premise occurred during the first season of Star Trek titled 'Shore Leave' in which the Enterprise crew sought rest and relaxation on a Class M planet that produced the wildest dreams from their imagination. What made that episode so entertaining was the way it took what could be considered quite ordinary and turned it into the whimsical.
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