Bring back Rhod Gilbert or Dara O'briain
20 January 2022
The show is now too scripted and predictable with Tom Allen. Nothing to look forward to and enjoy. Dara and Rhod knew how to grab an audience and make them laugh. It felt more inclusive with all the contestants without the 'walking on egg shells' responses. Times are changing and not for the best. Tv will end up being a predictable boring mess that no one will end up watching. The show itself needs updating as the contestants are getting more self centered and arrogant with very little business sense. There needs to be more contestants with a better business plan that will more likely make a difference instead of the same ideas over and over again. What happened to the business plan instead of the 'this personality will be good for TV'?.

In my opinion it has definitely lost its charm and I hope one day lord sugar can pick the contestants by business idea instead of someone else looking for personality.
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