Hit and miss
18 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the interviews and footage relating to Giger and the actual filming of the movie. I enjoyed the history lesson on how the movie came about. The first half is great. The second half drags a bit though. There are quite a few so called expert types who give their opinion on the meaning of some of the elements of the movie and so called hidden messages and themes. The key words here are 'their opinions'. None of these experts had anything to do with the movie. They just formed their own opinions. There is no Ridley Scott, O'Bannon or Giger confirming any of this. It's all very subjective. A prime example is the interview with the really irritating feminist who hates the Android Ash and who believes he is a programmed misogynist robot. Her rationale is that he must be as he undermines Ripley by letting in Dallas, Kane and the crew when Ripley refuses to. Also because he tries to kill Ripley using a magazine in the mouth. Now RE issue 1.. my opinion is that Ash would have disobeyed any person not just Ripley to let the crew in. Her being a woman had nothing to do with it. He knew of the Alien and wanted it on board. RE issue 2.. I believe the magazine attack was not misogynistic or sexual in nature. Again Ripley being a woman had nothing to do with it. Ash admired the Alien, he admitted that. He was in awe of it. On seeing the magazine he just made a spur of the moment decision to choke Ripley using it. It reminded him of how the Alien wanted to choke it's victim and he wanted to be like the Alien and kill like it. Now, see, these are my opinions. They could be completely wrong. Only those involved in the movie, like Ridley Scott, know for sure. So this lady talking like she knows it all and her opinions are 100% gospel undermines the accuracy of the documentary. It should only include interviews from those directly involved so we know exactly what these images and scenes actually meant. Worth watching but some bits take with a pinch of salt.
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