After Life (2019–2022)
Maybe skip the third season?
18 January 2022
With all respect to Mr. Gervais, whom I enjoy and appreciate very much, I felt I had to downgrade my rating of this from a 9 or 10 (after the first two seasons) to a 7 after watching the six episodes of the third season.

I understand the point of the show (I think!) but the bulk of the third season just wallowed even more in the glum and depressing. I like realism, I like when things end (especially series and miniseries), and I like when things are not tied up with a pretty bow. I absolutely loved the first and second seasons. But I felt as if I was just suffering through season 3, which was, more than anything, repetitive and less deep than the first two, in my view.

Without spoilers, I wasn't even sure what the final scene meant... my interpretation was that it was pretty dark. But whether it was or wasn't, I just didn't leave the series with a good feeling about this. And I found Gervais just humorlessly mean at times in season 3 (especially how he related to his brother-in-law). That's not to say I didn't enjoy moments and that it didn't evoke emotions. It certainly did.

But sometimes series just go on a little too long. And, of course, this is a personal reaction within a context of a very fragile time in history.
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