Station Eleven (2021–2022)
Better than the book
14 January 2022
Sometimes good ideas exists to beget great ideas. That's what we have here.

I read the book when it was first published. I vaguely remember it today. It was okay - not great like so much of the post-apocalyptic literature out there. Ask me about it and I'll mention there was a symphony that traveled and some people holed up in an airport. That's the kind of "lasting" impression it left.

But this show - THIS SHOW - will stick with me for a long while. The writing and acting are fantastic. The pacing perfect. The characters vivid. The past(s) and present(s) interwoven in creative, often as gut-wrenching as heart-warming, ways. This show stands alone, distinct from the novel. And it's all the better for that.

Watch it. And don't worry about the book. It clearly has enough fans.
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