Stay Close (2021)
More holes than your grans crochet
13 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So you're either here because you want confirmation that what you watched was absolute drivel (correct it was, in droves) or you are lucky and are here to see if it's worth watching (it's not, by any stretch, don't believe the paid for, 'Oh watch it and decide for yourself' reviews.). Do yourself a favour, go watch some 10/10 crime thriller like the original Scandinavian versions of The Bridge or The Killing.

So let's start with the worst culprit, The concept. A girl, madly in love with a fella, is being harassed by another fella. She finds him dead. Instead of rejoicing and marrying her fella, she decides to 'disappear' and never contact the love of her life again. (By disappear we mean changing her name, stop wearing a wig and buying a house in the same town, having kids and never bumping into anyone from her previous existence in 17 years lol).

Next up. The script, consistently has characters doing irrational things to justify and set up scenes or to muddy the waters of the plot. The list is exhaustive so here's just one example. Girl visits bar, gets told fella is looking for her, gets offered his card with phone number and company name on, but girl refuses it. Next episode girl wants to contact fella, completely ignoring previous episode goes to find fellas best mate instead and begs him for fellas phone number as she's desperate. I mean, really, writer, editor, proof reader, beuller, beuller, anyone, anyone. The literal list of un-fathomable actions goes on and on.

Then we have the depiction of the police. As a writer/producer you could do various things, ranging from from visiting an actual police station to watching an episode of the bill. Or you could just make stuff up. So while we are on the subject let's discuss sets. Who ever decided, after making stuff up, that a police station is an office with one guy in fancy dress police uniform, a flat screen TV, a PC and a couple of partitions, you need to be fired. Along with the person that thinks UK police officers take random pot shots at unarmed suspects running along a populated beach, also fired. I can't go on with the faults of this program it would be twenty pages long.

And then there is the acting, it's just terrible. If you're a coronation street soap opera fan, maybe you won't mind so characters, although Cassie might even test your forgiving nature.

The sound is shocking, inappropriate segments of loud music inserted to indicate mystery where there is none. Be gone art student fool.

So the script, acting, sets and sound are terrible, but they are not the biggest crime committed. The story itself, with its twist and turns would have been good, with just a bit of craft. But alas it was butchered with a blunt cleaver.
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