Hollywood Zap (1986)
Enjoyable, cheesy and campy...
11 January 2022
I remember my friend having this movie on VHS back in probably the early 1990s, I guess. And having seen the movie back then, I have to say that I didn't exactly recall the movie "Hollywood Zap" from writer and director David Cohen as being a particularly enjoyable or entertaining movie.

But I had the opportunity to sit down and watch this 1986 movie again here in 2022, and not really remembering much from the movie, of course I did so. And I have to admit that while "Hollywood Zap" certainly is a cheesy and campy movie, naturally so as it is a Troma release, then the movie was actually oddly enjoyable.

It was the character gallery and dialogue that mostly worked for me, as the storyline was just so-so. But wow, talk about having a colorful and creative character gallery. The movie is well worth watching just to go through all the quirky and memorable characters that pop up in this movie.

The acting performances in "Hollywood Zap" were adequate, and especially Ben Frank - playing Nash - was particularly outstanding and memorable in the movie. "Hollywood Zap" also have some familiar faces on the cast list such as Chuck Mitchell, Claude Earl Jones, Carmen Filpi and Tony Cox.

I remember the Punk Pounder vividly from watching the movie back in the early 1990s. Such a hilarious prop in the movie.

I was actually genuinely entertained here in 2022 when I sat down to watch the cheesy and campy "Hollywood Zap" again.

My rating of writer and director David Cohen's 1986 movie lands on a six out of ten stars.
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