The Pacific: Guadalcanal/Leckie (2010)
Season 1, Episode 1
Not as engaging as it could have been
10 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Though the combat scenes were well filmed, the first episode fails to truly connect the viewer to the cast of characters that we see portrayed on screen. The first 20 minutes or so of the episode take us through various "back home" vignettes, that in a very rushed manner try to quickly give us a feel for the main characters, yet so little depth is put into this effort that they might as well not have bothered. For example, what do we learn about Pvt. Leckie (played by James Badge Dale) other than the fact that he has a religious bent (we see him lighting a candle at church) and he is enamored of the girl who lives next door. In an awkward moment right out of a 40's wartime movie, he stands at the door of the church and tells her that he will write to her, while she mumbles a confused, "Ok". That's it for Pvt. Leckie until next we see him headed toward the beach at Guadalcanal.

The historic perspective of the first episode is also lacking. We are told of no preparations for the marines prior to the Americans first offensive action in the Pacific theatre of operations, we are not told why the U. S. is beginning their operations on a tiny island in the Solomon chain, and when it is asked in the episode by the clueless marines themselves, no answer is given. I suppose the writers/producers of the show felt that everyone knows the overall strategic objectives of the Allies in the Pacific, or else they didn't want to bog the series down in needless details such as why the characters we are to care so much about, are enduring such horrific conditions on the tropical hellhole. Even when we get to the actual fighting on Guadalcanal, we are not given any strategic objectives other than "Let's go out there and kill some Japs".

Sure, the battle sequences are well shot and engaging, but having been rushed to the point of that first battle, and having had nothing explained up until that point, it was again not as gripping as it could have been.

Overall, the first episode of the series was a major disappointment, particularly when compared to the unforgettable first episode of Band of Brothers, "Currahee". Hoping things improve.
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