What was that Pokémon doing on Tatooine?
6 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Overall it appears to be a promising start. But one thing that bothered me was during the mid to the end of the episode where Boba Fett is digging for milk or water bulbs. We see them accidentally awaken this creature from underneath the sands, which turns out to be Machamp from Pokémon? Was this supposed to be a Boba Fett x Pokémon crossover? In all seriousness, this creature didn't look like something that would live on Tatooine let alone be in Star Wars. Maybe it would if this creature didn't have 12 pack abs. From previous movies/tv show (Mandalorian)...creatures on Tatooine were more animal like (ex: the creatures in Attack of the clones, one looked like a spider, the other a wild cat, and the last one was like a rhino)...keeping the proportions similar to real animals made it seem more realistic. In the mandalorian they had this ginormous worm creature, and it looked like something you'd find on a desert planet. But the Machamp creature? Absolutely not. It just didn't look like Star Wars to me...made me more confused than invested in the scene.
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