a man and his dog
5 January 2022
Well, why not be upfront and say I HATE this kind of movie. Why? The dog! I see a dog, and I'm a wreck for it during the entire film.

Rod Steiger plays a Carl, a businessman who is about to be exposed for a huge deficit in his company. He decides to go to Mexico by train. He can escape extradition for a few months, and by the time they can extradite him, he'll be gone. The problem is, he has no passport, but he'll worry about that when the time comes.

On the train is a man, Paul Scarff, also enroute to Mexico with his dog Delores, who is in the baggage compartment. Since Scarff has a Mexican passport, Carl drugs him and steals it. He spends time making himself look like the photo - not hard, as the man is brunette with tinted glasses. He then throws Scarff off the train.

Carl learns from newspaper clippings Scarff has kept that he has a 100,000 peso reward on his head for a political assassination. As Carl is leaving the train, the baggage handler reminds him about Delores. Stuck with a dog he doesn't want, Carl tries dumping her, but the dog won't leave him.

As it turns out, Scarff isn't dead, and is found by Johnny (David Knight) who works at a motel. He is brought there, and his injuries are treated. He is, however, very infirm, with a broken leg. T

When Carl arrives and gets a cabin at the motel also. When he gets grease on his jacket, Johnny goes to clean it and he sees the clippings. And he wants the 100,000 pesos.

When Carl is ready to leave, Johnny offers him a ride, then pulls a gun on him and takes him to the sheriff in Mexico. When Carl is accused of being Scarff, he informs the sheriff where the Scarff is. Scarff is killed when arrest is attempted.

By now, of course, everyone knows Carl is Carl Schaeffer, looking at 10 years in prison. The U. S. wants to get Carl over the line at the bridge so that they can arrest him - otherwise, he is in Mexico as a free man.

This is an excellent film, based on a story by Graham Greene, and Rod Steiger is brilliant as Carl - a cruel, cold man who finally discovers he has only one friend left. Delores is great too. I realize she was important to the story, but I wish she hadn't been in it. I hate animals in movies.
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