The Main Chance: Love's Old Sweet Song (1972)
Season 3, Episode 2
Love's Old Sweet Song
2 January 2022
Maybe this happens in real life. It does get titing when every client and every opponent threatens to get solicitors struck off.

There was some retconning in this episode. I always thought Sarah was single when she worked for Main.

It seems she was Lady Radchester, seperated from wealthy aristocrat but working as a lowly secretary.

Now her husband has reneged on an arrangement and divorcing Sarah for her own adultery.

Lord Radchester has plenty of evidence. This seems to have involved gaining access to her flat and placing bugs. All of it seems a bit illegal. Of course laws might have been different back then.

Main has got a new enquiry agent as Sidney has gone to Australia. Walter Clegg (Glynn Edwards) is ex CID and makes a grave error. He believes in Sarah's denial of adultery and places undue pressure on Lord Radchester's agent.

This gives David Main problems as he could be facing disciplinary action.

Of course David is smart. He reckons Lord Radchester has not been living on bread and water. Also if he is under investigation he will tell everything he knows about Radchester to the disciplinary tribunal. A version of events that cannot be made public in the divorce court.

This episode was made when the new divorce laws came into effect in England & Wales.

There is also a dangling of a new love interest for David Main. The widow Hilary Nash from the previous story.
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