One Flew Over the Bikers Nest.
31 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If you were to take a time capsule back to the 1960's and told anybody that eventually Jack Nicholson would be one of the most honored actors at the Academy Awards, they'd probably try to have you committed. Having been around for a decade when this was made, he certainly wasn't anybody's favorite this video, a cult actor eventually made it into the mainstream. But his 1960's work is worth seeking out for a time capsule because indeed, it is a look at a generation that moved on and a lifestyle that thankfully restricts its activities to appearances to rare occasions and gets more laughed at as a dinosaur of modern times.

This is a vile and ugly, senseless film about a bunch of idiotic rebels with no causes seen traveling across the country in many famous hotspots over some snazzy opening credits, led by Adam Roarke. He makes the hugs mistake of recruiting gas station attendant Nicholson who moves in on Roarke's squeeze, Sabrina Scharf. She looks great in a mullet by the way. There really is no plot, just a bunch of violent segments filled with really bad actors, and with no plot, it's not really worth seeing, unless you're a sixties hipster looking for a flashback. How dozens of these films got made is beyond me, but they do represent 60's counterculture, so I guess for that aspect, it does hold a little bit of Interest.
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