Brilliantly demented crazy ride...
31 December 2021
OK, first things first -- "The Scary of Sixty-First" is going to divide audiences. You will either like it, or think it's the stupidest and most annoying thing you've ever seen. I'm in the first group, but I cannot promise you won't be in the second. Hopefully this brief review will help you decide.

The movie begins with two friends, Noelle (co-writer Madeline Quinn) and Addie (Betsey Brown) getting a tour of an apartment in New York by a real tool of a real estate agent. It's got some issues, but it's a good deal so they decide to rent it. Addie and Noelle move in (with help from Addie's boyfriend Greg), and to be honest it seems like they are "friends" almost in name only. Soon after, a girl (known only as "The Girl" and played by director and co-writer Dasha Nekrasova) shows up. She tells Noelle that the apartment was owned by Jeffrey Epstein and was possibly used by him and his co-horts to traffic young women. "The Girl" convinces Noelle to help her investigate Epstein's history in the area, and soon her and Noelle are traipsing around New York while Addie seems to be having more and more issues, perhaps due to the possibility that something supernatural is in their new apartment ...

Look, this movie is bonkers. "The Girl" is obsessed with every conspiracy theory know to man. And they are investigating... what, actually? Nothing they do is really anything more than looking on Google or is some "new theory." And yikes, "The Girl" and Noelle are horrible people and we have an instant and constant dislike for them both, so it's impossible to be rooting for them and I think the movie wants us to.

But man oh man, what a ride. Watching every bat-s**t crazy moment unfold is worth it. The stuff that happens -- and serious stuff does happen, believe me -- will stick with you. It's a wild blast of a ride. At a little less than 90 minutes, it moves briskly and doesn't overstay its welcome. And turning the Jeffrey Epstein saga into the subject of a horror/mystery flick is a minor stroke of genius. My only complaint is that it really doesn't stick the landing, which is a shame -- it came so close to really nailing the ending but just didn't do it.

As I said in the beginning, there's every possibility you'll hate it. Pretty strong recommendation from me, but caveat emptor.
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