Where was this show and why didn't I know about it?
30 December 2021
I had never heard of this little gem until it popped up on my Netflix page. Seeing it starred Bo Burnham I was intrigued. I had no idea this was something he did almost a decade ago.

I loved this show so much. Seeing a young, semi-manic Bo allows the viewer into his head somewhat. ZSIGTBF shows the beginnings of the genius he becomes in his stand up and specials. He's a genius to say the least. This show could have been made today and it would be relevant. A teen who wants to be famous but has nothing to offer for that to happen is literally the Instagram and TikTok of today. The difference is that this show is funny, smart, and tender at times. It looks like MTV did a poor job of promoting this show when they had it. Ironic since the theme is insta-fame via in your face media.
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