Bonanza: The Lawmaker (1962)
Season 3, Episode 25
Sheriff Coffee bungles yet another
29 December 2021
The character of Sheriff Coffee is unfortunately buffoonish. You mostly couldn't count on him for the simplest of tasks. Seems like a cheap way for plot development. However, this episode is about Coffee's replacement in Virginia City, of course necessitated because of Coffee's ineptitude. Upon recommendation from Ben, the town picks Asa Moran as replacement Sheriff. Moran very quickly becomes full of himself and grows from weak and unsure into a non-law abiding narcissistic bully. The fun is to see how the town and the Cartwrights scramble to deal with their big mistake. Action picks up when Moran arrests and roughs up Adam on trumped up charges. Woe be unto anyone who crosses a Cartwright!
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