The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
Great job of capturing some of the feel of the first Star Wars movie
29 December 2021
So far, so good. The show is building on a known quantity - the Star Wars universe - and it does a good job of capturing the feel of the earliest movies. I noticed some reviewers complained about the low quality of the special effects, but the original movie came out more than forty years ago, and special effects have come a long way since then. I kinda like the fact that this is a bit of a throwback - it brought back a little of the incredible excitement of the first movie.

First, the problems: The fight scenes are not great - not awful, but not great. We're used to better, even on the small screen. The makeup effects are decidedly sub-par - most of them are little more than rubber masks, and in fairness to some of the criticisms I've read here, they do feel a little cosplay-y. If I had to choose one area for improvement, this would be it.

On the plus side - great job of capturing some of the feel of the first Star Wars movie. I don't know about the rest of you, but I can still remember what it was like to sit in a theater watching that movie back in 1977. It truly was magical.
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