The Simpsons: A Serious Flanders (2021)
Season 33, Episode 6
An edgefest that appeals to manchildren courtesy of Disney
28 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A Serious Flanders is fundamental proof that the "fandom" that currently exists is not actually interested in the town of Springfield nor the Simpsons anymore.

Fitting since it is also proof that neither are the writer's. Matt Selman's image has been carefully molded by DIsney to convince idiots that the show has changed when in reality he is a plagiarist whose parodies are glorified advertisements of different media.

In this case, Fargo. There is no substance here. Just a bunch of edgy Original Characters that would probably make better fanfiction villains then drivers of a plot. They kill a few regulars and kidnap Homer. So shocking. And that is it.

That is all this episode has going for it. Nothing. It is a script a film student could write with more engaging twists. But do not be fooled. It is not suppose to be compelling. It is suppose to advertise properties Disney got control of in the merge. As it turns out this is exactly what "fans" want. Although I doubt it. The praise of ASF is manufactured and dishonest.
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