Don't Look Up (2021)
Hollyweird is going to have to get over its obsession with Trump
27 December 2021
I had no background on this movie before watching. Saw an all-star cast and thought I'd be in for a great ride. Not so much.

The first part is decent, keeps your attention, keeps you anticipating more.

The middle part is when you start to see hints that this is one big political metaphor and that once again, as per usual these days, Hollyweird has roped you in yet again to throw down the leftist hammer and to let us know again -because we didn't hear them the first hundred thousand times-that Trump (Meryl Streep in the movie) is bad and his supporters are hopelessly stupid and that "following the science" only goes in one direction. You recognize about midway through the movie that the movie is a just a backdoor channel to talk more, proselytize more about covid. And the narrative has a clear bent. Per usual, leftists spray their arrogance around and deem themselves perfect no matter how many times they're proven wrong.

The last part of the movie is when the whole thing comes crashing down (both literally per the plot and figuratively). You realize you've been had and you're angry you gave this tripe two hours of your time.

But the anger soon turns to sadness as you find yourself nostalgic for a different era, one in which Hollyweird focused more on creativity than politics. And you realize these people are suffering from some kind of derangement, perpetuated by the mainstream press which most of them worship. They see normal people as "r*dnecks," enemies. Anyone who disagrees with them are somehow inferior. They are living in a psychosis and trying to drag all of us into it with them. It's really quite depressing what's happened to that industry. They are self-destructing and can't seem to stop. The comet is really their industry, they just haven't realized it yet. For all our sake, I hope they wake up soon.
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