Devil's Five (2021)
Boredom's Five...
26 December 2021
Sometimes you just got to stop up, take stock and actually take heed to the ratings on IMDb. But since I rarely do so, I do get to sit through some rather questionable movies from time to time. And "Devil's Five" was one such occurrence.

Now, I hadn't heard about this 2021 movie prior to sitting down to watch it. So I didn't know what to expect from writers George Brianka, Timothy David Clark, Edwin M. Figueroa and Terry R. Wickham, but I am rather impressed that not one, but four writers managed to conjure stuff for a movie that totally fell short of providing me with much of any entertainment or enjoyment. A rare feat in itself actually.

The storyline told in "Devil's Five" was bland and bordering of being downright boring. It felt like I was watching something written by preteens for a horror themed writing contest. So yeah, you are not in for anything grand or spectacular should you opt to sit down and watch "Devil's Five".

Sure, I will admit that the movie's title and its cover/poster was what lured me to watch it in the first place. Well, that and also the fact that it was a horror movie that I hadn't already seen. However, the only horror here was how laughably bad the movie was.

Needless to say that I wasn't familiar with a single actor or actress in the movie. Nor can I claim that I was impressed with what I saw. But I am sure that it wasn't singularly the fault of the actors and actresses, as I do think that the writers were not delivering anything worthwhile or solid for the actors and actresses to work with.

If you enjoy a proper horror movie, you might want to do yourself a favor and stay clear of "Devil's Five" from directors George Brianka, Edwin M. Figueroa and Terry R. Wickham.

I am rating "Devil's Five" a more than generous two out of ten stars.
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