The Legend of Korra: Light in the Dark (2013)
Season 2, Episode 14
(Overall for the season) Lots of good concepts, meh execution
21 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This season was so... average. The concepts themselves were fantastic, but the execution of them just didn't work. There were so many plot lines that were just limping along, like Mako's arcs and Tonrock's.

Even the main ones that seemed really important in concept just didn't hit hard, like the freeing of the dark spirit. Somehow I think defeating the spirit that represents all the evil in the world should've been a much bigger deal than like mid-season with no character arc setups for even Korra to pay off with? The climax fell flat because there was no emotional weight to it. No characters had seriously personal stakes. Very weird and middling.

The only part that felt gripping and pertinent was the Avatar origin story. That was really well done.
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