Five More Minutes (2021 TV Movie)
21 December 2021
It was hard to say no to watching 'Five More Minutes', with it being one of the best received 2021 Hallmark Christmas films in rating and reviews. Nikki DeLoach is also one of my favourite female Hallmark regulars and one of the few to nearly always deliver on good performances regardless of the film's quality (same with Hallmark regulars overall). David Haydn-Jones is not as consistent and his filmography is spottier, but when he is good he is very good.

'Five More Minutes' wasn't flawless, but absolutely deserves the praise it's garnered. It also is a great representation of both DeLoach and Haydn-Jones. The 2021 Hallmark Christmas films were hit and miss, 'Five More Minutes' (watched the day after watching by one of the misses 'A Nantucket Noel') is very much one of the hits and one of the best of them. For me, it's in the top 5 best of the block and one of the best 2021 Hallmark films overall.

Do agree that DeLoach's character's treatment of Haydn-Jones' when dumping him and what she does instead were incredibly cold and made me lose respect for her, this was a shame due to actually really connecting with her throughout the rest of the film.

Also agree that Haydn-Jones' character was a little too pushy at points.

So much is great too. DeLoach's performance is nuanced and incredibly powerful, while she is always compelling she had never moved me quite to the same extent that she does here. Haydn-Jones is very charming and sympathetic, the performance is subtle but never dull. Their chemistry is heartfelt and very genuine, with the development being generally realistic in how it moves (excepting some questionable behavious). Sherry Miller brings class and sincerity to her role. On the whole, the characters were ones worth caring for and easy to in a very relatable and personal scenario.

Furthermore, 'Five More Minutes' is lovingly filmed and the scenery also delivers in beauty. The music never feels melodramatic and isn't overused, or at least to me. The direction is sympathetic while still with momentum. The script is very honest and treats a serious subject with much respect, while not being over-serious. Of all the stories for the 2021 Hallmark Christmas films, the one here is one of the most poignant and did find myself connecting emotionally to the events. The mystery elements never come over as too simple while also not being over-complicated with some neat subtle clues, the big revelation was a real surprise and rang true. The ending is very sweet and tender, it is a little too neat considering what happened earlier but other Hallmark films have fared far worse in this aspect.

Overall, beautiful. 8/10.
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