Star Trek: Discovery: Vaulting Ambition (2018)
Season 1, Episode 12
A Senior Trekker writes.....................
17 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
We have lots of Las Vegas style glitter in the Mirror Universe and Michelle Yeoh gets to sharpen her teeth on the scenery as the Empress with an extremely long list of titles and a rhinestone-encrusted satin cloak. She also has some sort of stand-up throne with an inbuilt scanner and a handy little carotid artery slicing drone that whips round killing all but one of her senior advisors. The remaining one does a bang-up job of removing the bodies and the blood, though, because when Michael Burnham and her newly reunited foster mother step down from the dais, the floor is perfectly clean.

Anthony Rapp as Paul Stammets wanders around in a dream state meeting first himself and then his dead lover. If you have been engaged with these characters and can understand what is supposed to be going on, then their scenes together are very affecting. Unlike the tawdry, casino-style décor of the throne room, the interior of the mycelial network appears genuinely subtle and atmospheric.

Poor Mary Chieffo gets to wear the most ridiculous prison uniform ever invented in her role as L'Rell, the Klingon spy. Her relationship with the altered Ash/Voq/Ash is completely incomprehensible. I've got no idea what has been going on with these two. Was she torturing him or were they lovers? Why was she altering every aspect of a Klingon's body to make him pass for human when she could have just used the body of the human? Why did some viewers objected to the sex but not the surgery?

We finish up with more torture, this time for Captain Lorca in the agoniser booth. He manages to escape but, unfortunately, we don't.
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