The Walking Dead: Honor (2018)
Season 8, Episode 9
I Get That...
16 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Most people are ignorant, uneducated, and just plain stupid. Especially here in the United States. And most people have the attention span of a that's why people are hating on this show this season.

To start, this show was NEVER about zombies. From the start, it has always been amount the human drama that plays out during the course of the zombie apocalypse, this season being no different.

As far as this episode, it is played out in away with the intercutting stories of Morgan and Carl dying because the two characters have a similar but opposite arcs. Morgan was a monster, then vowed never to kill again, then returned to being a monster. Carl started innocent, ended up being a killer, then found his serenity.

As Carl was dying, the two story lines were intercut because it reflected each arc and how they were the opposites. I thought it was very poignant and well done.

I'm not surprised a lot of people gave this bad reviews because they have no real understanding as to what this show is REALLY about.
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