Don't Look Up (2021)
Possibly worst movie of 2021
15 December 2021
Firstly, I normally love left-wing satire movies. But this was so lazy it was unbearable. I didn't note the title satire until it was chanted in the film in the guise of "Lock her up". Other than the satire in the title, not one single laugh to be had.

The direction of the actors was atrocious and it seems these actors all jumped onboard this vapid project as an opportunity to virtue-signal their TDS.

Some have claimed this is about climate change. This is preposterous, but if true, it means the makers of this film are complete fools. Anthropological Global Warming bears no similarity to a large asteroid hitting the Earth. The animals on Planet Earth have been adapting to worse climate change throughout their millions of years of existence. The animal Homo sapiens is the only animal, so specifically evolved for the cold of the Pleistocene, that it may not survive amped up global warming. However, the problem for the rest of nature is not climate but the destruction of all habitats on Earth by human trespassing. As they say in real estate: "Habitat Habitat Habitat". Until humanity deals with our population size that is decimating all the good and unique habitats on Earth, all the words wasted on climate change are for nought.

Through the decades I've loved all these great actors, but their presence in this piece of shallow wokist hot air makes me despair for science and leftism and social justice. It has become so shallow as to be useless. I long for the days of true leftism, based on universally providing humans with the basic elements of life and dignity, housing, food, clothes, transportation, education.

Had this project been led by Aaron Sorkin it might have had a chance.
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