This Dizzy Nature film cannot be given a perfect score . . .
13 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
. . . of "10 stars," because of the flagrant disinformation it spreads about goats. Originally, THE ARMY MASCOT is a goat named Gunther. Much to his chagrin, Pluto learns that Gunther "enjoys" an all-tin can diet. Are the Dizzy Nature miscreants being Truthful at this juncture, or are they spreading pernicious misinformation because their nefarious Big Boss once got chased and butted by a goat on whose pasture he was trespassing taking a shortcut home from his Kansas primary school? According to Zoo Atlanta and the Iron Oak Goat Farm, these delicate critters eat a diet of 50% grass hay, 25% pasture, 20%grain and 5% or less treats--which may include pumpkin and raspberry plants, and sticks and branches from which they strip and eat the leaves and bark--but NEVER tin cans. If a goat DID gain access to a such a can, they MIGHT consume the label and its glue, but NOT the can itself!
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